This is an M-rated game not Dora the fucking Explorer. Hell I'd rather watch Dora the Explorer; at least the characters in that talk like real people and not charismaless Beetlejuices.
Oh yeah and there's a lovely plot point about the 'real' world being a paradise comprised of "one united tribe" and the game world you play in being some self-serving escapist fantasy for people to pretend they're righteous and empathetic by taking the role of the hero and 'standing up' for all the oppressed minorities; so now Atlus is sanitizing eugenics, ethnocracy and phony-assed virtue signaling in the same way P5 was a lovely coat of whitewash for 8chan and Kiwi Farms culture crusaders. Hey, if you're gonna make a mainstream big budget power fantasy that caters to the worst, stupidest people alive in pursuit of easy sales, might as well go all-in and pander to that valuable demographic of armchair activists too, right? It's not like any of these reality-detached losers actually care that there are real people actively being vilified and erased from society when they can just pretend to be a badass by battling trite fakey-fake straw man supervillains to curry favor with Big Boob Elf Lady and parley that into calling themselves an 'ally' on Tumblr to score brownie points there too. As long as they're not directly contributing to the problems they allegedly care so deeply about, they get to hold onto their clear consciences, high opinion of themselves and build up a personal army to send after anyone they deem inferior, and that's all that ever really mattered to them anyway.
Might and Magic IX
They forgot to give it a subtitle but if they had it would probably be "Might and Magic IX: Don't Buy This It Sucks".
Mimana Iyar Chronicle
When the most memorable things about your game are its atrocious load times and the fact that it comes with a CD full of answering machine messages performed by the game's VO talent, you've got some serious problems.
Mind Zero
The title references the total number of human minds that worked on this uninspired Persona knockoff.
Monster Hunter
Spend an hour and a half in a party picked from a community of cancerous incel fuckalopes who all viciously hate each other and are total garbage at video games (especially Monster Hunter) beating on a boss with 800 zillion hit points that doesn't flinch when you hit it and shows zero signs of taking damage while fumbling with some of the worst laid-out, most unresponsive controls ever and then your reward is... doing it all again. Yay....
Neverwinter Nights 2
Maybe frontloading your game with 15+ hours of inane filler wasn't the best choice...
Octotrash Traveler II
Yay, more cheaply-excreted cynical pandering crap for unemployable middle-aged assholes perpetually living in some rose-tinted toybox time capsule of "better times" that never really existed. As I said about the first one: fuck this game and fuck anyone who spends a dime of their parents' money on it.
People have told me, with zero hint of irony, that this is the best game Capcom alumni have ever made. I'll just have to take their word for it because I played for 20 hours and didn't get to the "Best Game Ever" part or even a part that could charitably be described as "fun". Personally I'd sooner play just about any of Capcom's other published games over this one...
Orphen: Scion of Sorcery
A messy, unfocused experience that wants to be an interactive anime, an action game and a real time tactical RPG and succeeds at none; controls are stiff and awkward, every combat mechanic is confusing and unintuitive, the overall animation is limited and ugly, and not even having some talented actors like Paul Eiding and Jennifer Hale on board can make the dialog enjoyable; it seems like the only direction anyone got was "be as whiny/screechy/stilted as possible. ACTION!". You can even hear audible skips and pitch changes where they cut different line takes together, which is the height of amateur hour. And this game comes to us from Quintet, who made some amazing games like Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma. The hell were they thinking?
Paladin's Quest
This one at least had a somewhat novel mechanic; all spells are cast from your HP (even NPC dialog points out that there's no such thing as MP in this world), but as this and many other games prove, it takes more than a single gimmick to make a game interesting. That idea and the interesting art style aside, Paladin's Quest is just mundane, grindy and pretty dull even for the period it came out in.
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3-4
Why do people buy these tedious, uninspired clones of the old Final Fantasies instead of just playing some actual good old RPGs from the 80's/90's? They're available everywhere and well worth the extra few bucks...
Pier Solar and the Great Architects
Mismatched art styles between the sprites and backgrounds, ugly cluttered level design, insipid dialog and humor and the same bash-A-to-win gameplay as every other uninspired lameass "modern retro RPG" ever made? Hot damn, sign me up!
Or just pay $0.99 apiece on Steam for the Phantasy Star series - the vastly superior games this junk so desperately wants to be compared to...
Pillars of Eternity 2
Another modern CRPG that's way overbloated in budget, lacks any real gameplay and has no sense of humor about its stilted design and moronic concepts so it just feels like some nasal-voiced dipshit art student reading you his pretentious Middle Earth fan fiction for 90+ hours (and spelling out every one of its themes in plain text to make sure you get it and start worshipping him as the genius he is, you uneducated plebian).
I didn't think you could make Lacrosse even more of a snoozefest, but they found a way.
Quest for Glory
Take Sierra's hateful old guess-the-syntax adventure game engine and cheap deaths from innocuous actions design philosophy and add stat grinding! ...Pass.
Radiant Historia
Take the premise of exploring different timelines and trying to pick the ones to lead you to a bright future and somehow make it completely unengaging. Probably because half the choices immediately call you stupid for even trying to pick them and then force you to try again instead of using your wrong choice in an interesting way; say, letting you learn an enemy's weakness or find a hidden passage for a later assault or learn some useful information you wouldn't get otherwise. Also the combat's just dull and the presentation is bland as hell.
Radiata Stories
If Suikoden had no plot, endless fetch quests, crap combat and was written by grade schoolers who think Son of the Mask is the height of comedy, it would look something like Radiata Stories.
Record of Agarest War
Broken mechanics, mountains of overpriced DLC, sleazy porn scenes and a massively embarrassing "Naughty Edition" with a boob mouse pad. Allow me to save you some money by pointing out again that porn can be found on the internet, for free, and doesn't require you to buy and play through amazingly shit video games to access it.
Revelations: Persona
One of the very first RPGs on the good ol' PS1 and it sure shows. Untextured polygonal maps, atrocious loading times and a combat system that wants to be creative and new but mostly just comes off as irritating, giving each of your five characters a very specific range they can only hit enemies in; if you want to attack something else, you either have to wait for another character in that range to get a turn or reshuffle your party constantly. Oh and Atlus got so lazy with localizing the game they cut out an entire storyline from it; no really, Google "Persona Snow Queen Quest".
River City Ransom Underground
"What can we do to improve on a classic like RCR?"
"Make the enemies 40 times more durable, items require tons more money grinding, and replace all the boss fights with tedious chase sequences you have to do all over from the start if you make one innocuous mistake!"
Seriously, just play the original or River City Girls instead. Much more worthy of your time.
Saturday Morning RPG
Fan fiction of all the '80s cartoons you watched before you developed taste and realized they were just overhyped toy commercials that weren't actually awesome, well-written or interesting at all.
Seiken Densetsu (Final Fantasy Adventure)
Wait for a bar to fill, attack once, wait for a bar to fill, get softlocked in a dungeon because you didn't buy enough keys. Repeat endlessly.
They just took Dark Souls and stripped out the leveling system so they can sell you less of the same crap for the same amount of money. What's next, are they going to take out the graphics and make you navigate and fight based on sound cues? ...Nah, that would actually be kind of clever and innovative, and From is nothing without being able to sell the same twenty-five-year-old subpar game design and argument-from-ignorance plotting to you over and over again at full price. If selling heroin was legal I'm sure they'd be more than happy to just do that instead; it isn't, though, so fomenting a faux-intellectual but genuinely pro-eugenics incel cult centered around the Living God of Hacks Miyazaki will just have to do.
Shadows of Adam
Has so little identity I forgot everything about it the second I quit playing so... let that serve as my synopsis.
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
Take a classic like Nocturne, dumb its gameplay down to the point of being utterly worthless, then throw in an idiot plot that mashes the Matrix together with cannibalistic demons fighting for supremacy like some edgelord teenager's fan fiction of Highlander. Then sell Disc 2 as a full-price "sequel" as the ultimate middle finger. The next time I hear some moron singing the praises of this mindless dogshit while braying that Oblivion's horse armor is literally the worst thing since 9/11 I swear I'm going to break their teeth...
Sonic Chronicles
I could ramble on how subpar and boring Sonic Chronicles is, but what's the point? Dumping on Sonic for debasing himself yet again is like badmouthing the Generals after they lose to the Harlem Globetrotters - after the 1000th time it stops being funny and you just feel sad and hollow for wasting so much time on something so futile. Sonic is a sad, creaky relic of a bygone age meant to sell one company's digital toys while slamming their competitors as being 'uncool', and now that the rivalry with Nintendo is long dead, he's been reduced to providing toddlers and manchildren with mindless, empty dopamine rushes by flashing pretty colors in front of their faces in gameplay that never gets any more complicated than holding down a button for 6 hours backed by lameass hack storylines they scrounged out of the depths of He's the Steven Seagal of gaming - a flash in the pan who might have entertained dumb kids for a brief time in the '90s with his completely superficial 'cool' and 'edgy' persona, but is now mostly just an international embarrassment starring in one awful project after another in a desperate attempt to convince everyone himself that he's somehow still relevant. It's time to let go.*
* You may think this whole screed hypocritical coming from someone whose top games list consists of an inordinately large number of titles from the 1990s and whose favorite game of all time is an E-rated RPG from 1995. Well, you'll just have to figure out why it isn't on your own, Sherlock. And while you're at it, find a better place to build your argumentative skills than the house of fallacies and authoritarian groupthink you call "4chan".
Sorcerer's Kingdom
Only fun thing about this one is the weird bloopy sound effects for weapon impacts. Sounds like you're playing a slot machine every time you swing a sword.
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Who looked at Paper Mario and said "This is good, but I think it needs way more more obnoxious voiceover and the same crass poop jokes and toothless 'satire' that smug centrist libertarian hacks Parker and Stone have been beating into the ground for two decades"?
Spiderweb Software games (Avernum, Geneforge, Nethergate)
I mean, if you think it just never got any better than the old D&D Gold Box games, these will probably be right up your alley. Personally I'd rather play something where the game isn't just using repetitious, drawn-out battles every 8 seconds to cover up a lack of any real plot.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
I'll be honest, I'm completely sick of hearing about this dumbass toy commercial franchise and the legions of 57-year-old sadsacks doing mental
gymnastics to write off all its fundamental flaws and fill in the hundreds of plot holes/continuity mistakes and invent increasingly contrived loopholes to explain how all the stupid parts 'don't count' so they can keep it forever enshrined in their heads as some kind of infallible masterpiece, to the point where I see "Star Wars" in any context and my brain instantly tunes it out. KotOR might have something more to it than the mindless mental junk-food the 850 zillion books/movies/comics/cartoons/toys/games with no consistent rules or nuanced characters or moral dilemmas or words above a third-grade reading level provide, but I doubt I'll ever care enough to find out. But hey, it goes on sale on Steam for like $1.49 every other month or so; might as well just grab it and see for yourself if you're really that interested. And hopefully you can enjoy it for what it actually has on offer instead of releasing your own terrible
re-edit that gets rid of all those pesky women, non-whites and any trace amounts of passion, fun or empathy it might have.
"Star Wars is entirely about a very structured and predetermined destiny, and the gadfly writers and directors Disney hires and fires are forced to try to squeeze a little bit of personality into the cracks in the structure. Nobody in charge of this universe gives a fuck about the characters, just that we get to the next big battle and then promote the next movie." - the Filthy Critic
Stranger of Paradise
How would Final Fantasy 1 be if it was terribly written, starred a bunch of personality-deprived edgelords and had combat like Dark Souls but somehow even more janky and shite? Instant-refund-on-Steam-worthy, that's how. But it's Team Ninja so this really shouldn't surprise me by now.
Pity the fools who bought this weak crap looking for a good Xbox RPG when the PS2 already had Dark Cloud, Xenosaga, Shadow Hearts, Nocturne, Dragon Quarter...
Suikoden Tierkreis
Konami puts a bullet in their best RPG franchise with an uninspired lame turd of a spinoff. Featuring the worst run-on rambling voiceover this side of Speed Racer.
Tales of *
Nails-on-a-chalkboard caliber voice over, insipid dialog that constantly aims for "cute" and only hits "obnoxious", terrible minigames, abysmally awful crafting and clunky real-time combat that fanboys unironically claim is the best ever created. I guess they've never played Devil May Cry or Bayonetta or Ys or NieR or Parasite Eve or TWEWY or Trials of Mana 2019 or Diablo or Torchlight or FF16...
Torchlight III
An MMO spinoff of the Torchlight franchise by an entirely different team that was hastily and sloppily repurposed into a mainline entry, and boy does it sure show. Hugely dumbed down skill trees, monster variety and mechanics and maps reshuffle every time you enter them so there's no sense of continuity or progress. If you like Torchlight, stick to the first two and forget this piece of junk.
Oh boy, all my favorite things in RPGs - mountains of dry exposition to substitute for actual world building, one-trait characters in a high school setting so they can just go down the list of every overused trope that setup has already beaten into the ground, and tedious wander-around-hunting-the-plot-flag bullshit is the only break between it all! The combat better be fun, at least... Nope, it's just a slower, much more boring copy-paste of Chrono Trigger. Passing on the rest of these 90+ hour snorefests!
Protip: When a franchise's only selling point is its runtime, it's probably not because the writer is some heaven-sent visionary whose every word needs to be perfectly in place to forge his masterwork, unite the clans and lead humanity into a new golden age*...
*An analogy which only feels more ugly in retrospect when you consider how disgusting and evil its fan base is, even mocking and celebrating a man's death because they don't like the way he translated their favorite game based on some BS they read on GameFAQs and never bothered to verify firsthand (because why would they, keyboard smashing outrage is their only joy in life - so much better than actually playing their favorite series!). Yeah, I thought that "any localization that isn't a 1000% accurate transliteration is racist censorship and besmirching great art" bullshit died with the 90s too, but here we are...
Lame "stylish" anime ripoff of XCOM 2... just play that instead.
Unchained Blades
Unchained Blandness. Actually "Unchained" still makes it sound like it's wild and flying off the rails somehow. Chained Blandness. Yeah, there we go.
This whole game is like that one guy you know who thinks the reason you never laugh at his garbage jokes is because you just don't get them. So he repeats the entire thing, slowly this time, and then explains the punchline to you like you're an idiot. Then you force out a chuckle to be polite and silently dread the next time he opens his mouth, wondering all the while why someone so smug about his nonexistent comedy chops doesn't ever partake of an open mic night so some merciful soul can put him in a coma with a beer bottle already...
Valkyria Chronicles 2
Came out the same year as Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, and both games seem to have drawn from the same school of design - the "make the whole game about arbitrary resource farming and packed with plotless filler missions to deliberately meet an arbitrary length quota" school, that is. And they also set it in a high school so they can cram all the wacky classmates who act like kindergarteners tropes in there and beat every last atom of that dead horse into dust. This is a firm skip.
Valkyria Chronicles 3
This one has a better concept - a Suicide Squad, essentially, of disgraced soldiers trying to earn redemption by succeeding in high risk missions no sane soldier would attempt - but man, the PSP was just not the platform to put this series on. The smaller scale upsets the whole flow of the gameplay; you have to practically be within spitting distance to do any decent damage to anything (your machine guns in particular have more spread than your average FPS shotgun), getting rid of snipers means gunfights just turn into trading blows (and if you stop even one HP short of a kill, you're probably dead next turn), and having to constantly redeploy units across multiple micro-maps just gets to be a pain before long, especially since you can't save mid-mission anymore. These two middle-child entries need a Yakuza Kiwami style retooling.
Wasteland 2
Oh boy, a game that features "old school" difficulty and design. Which just means it removes the skill element entirely in favor of having everything governed by dice rolls and every hit you take does upwards of 75 percent of your max health. Also you don't heal over time, there's about 8 health kits in the entire world and they're more valuable than every single other salable item in the game combined, so be prepared to savescum constantly. That, plus dialog and humor on level with Redneck Rampage, took me out of this one really damn quick.
Witcher 2
Hey Geraldo Rivera, can you give it a rest already? You're a septuagenarian, nobody wants to sit through your edgy self-insertion Lord of the Rings porn fics.
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Xenoblade is the web3 of gaming - it eats every single scrap of your time, money and personality in pursuit of empty, worthless 'clout', and everyone who 'likes' it is a victim of the same sunk cost fallacy or a grifter benefitting from it somehow. Also sound design as shrill as the whine of 350 overclocked graphics cards.