RPGreats now has a Discord! Come on in to talk about game music, games in general, submit reviews or just hang out!


Keep in mind the following before you send out an e-mail.

1. You're free to have your own opinions about things, or to disagree with mine; just don't expect me to care.  Especially if you can't enunciate your viewpoint in more intelligent ways than calling me a long string of childish insults in one long run-on sentence with no punctuation or properly capitalized letters.  Putting my thoughts to a web page does not make them any more valid than yours; making my point succinctly while you scream and rave and karate chop your keyboard like a rabid ape does.

2. By that same token, if you think I'm wrong about something and want me to reconsider my point, then put together a compelling, well-worded case and convince me to do so.  Spewing ad hominems and death threats for daring to disagree with you, the almighty Joe Nobody from Shitsburg, South Dakota, will only get you ignored.  If the only point you can come up with in defense of something is the knee-jerk mantra of "anyone who doesn't like this is biased/a loser/a moron/a faghat", odds are you're the one who needs to rethink the reasons behind your viewpoint, not me.  Oh, and bullying people into silence or obedience doesn't mean you've "won the argument"; it means you're a zealot with no mind of his own, let alone an actual opinion on the subject in question.

3. Being in the minority on a subject doesn't automatically make my opinions wrong, nor does being in the majority automatically make yours right.  Quit being told what to think by Game Informer's highly trained team of corporate shills and the fanboy hive-mind on the IGN forums and think for yourself for five goddamn seconds.  And if you like something I don't: Great!  I'm glad you can find some merit to it that I couldn't.

4. When you start paying me a salary, you can decide what games I write reviews / articles about.  Until then, no.

5. If you're just writing to point out a typo or minor HTML error somewhere, or complain that I swear too much, or fire off the tired, empty argument that "X is a single outlier to your generalized statement and therefore that statement is invalid", kindly spare my Delete key some wear by getting off the internet and getting a hobby.

6.  By that same token, you don't have to swear and nitpick as much as I do to get my attention.

7. If you're wondering where my review of "Game X" is, your answer is most likely one of the following.
  • I haven't written it yet.  I do plan to write many more reviews, but keep in mind that I update this site in my spare time.
  • I haven't played it.  May not care to, either. 
  • I have played it, but not enough to give it a fair assessment (yet).
8. If you're wondering why I don't do weekly/daily/hourly updates, it's because this is a personal site I run as a hobby in my spare time; I don't make any money from it, and don't plan to as it would compromise the integrity of the views I post.  I also believe in not posting "regular" content just for the sake of it; such empty, low-effort updates quickly become tiring to read.  Thus, I only post when I have a review or an article idea and have the time to type it up.
